How To Learn GCSE Physics Equations

A lot of students have been asking me how to learn that big list of equations that they need to remember for their GCSE physics exam.

For example, here's an equations list from the AQA board:

Click to enlarge

Notice all those symbols quantities and units that you have to get your head around!

So what's the best way to learn equations? Well, you might be able to remember a few just by looking at them but this is a fairly passive way to revise. It's also pretty boring and your brain is going to turn off after a few minutes.

It's much better to learn the equations using an ACTIVE learning method and this is where
question-and-answer flashcards make a massive difference - just like this one:

So here's how to learn your physics GCSE equations in three easy steps:

1. visit and find the equation flashcard by
typing a keyword into the search box.

2. Write the flashcard question onto one side of an index card then watch the
video tutorial to write the answer on the other side.
Remember that the question goes on the front side and the answer goes on the back.

3. Test yourself on your flashcard THREE times on different occasions over a couple of weeks.

Here are a couple of useful tips:

  • Use color, pictures and humour when you write your flashcards and that will really help your memory.
  • Put your flashcards somewhere where you will see them everyday and that will remind you to try a flashcard. They're not going to be any use just stuck in a drawer somewhere
  • Finally, if you answer a flashcard correctly give yourself a tick on the question side. Your aim is to achieve three ticks on a flashcard and that will mean that you've learnt the equation.

I hope you found this post useful - if so, please share it with your friends and subscribe to the GCSEPhysicsNinja YouTube channel for more physics revision tips.

Go well in your physics!

How To Learn GCSE Physics Equations was last modified: February 5th, 2020 by Olly Wedgwood

“Practice Makes Perfect”… or does it?

Have you heard the saying, "practice makes perfect"?

Practising physics makes perfect?Whether you are practising your piano scales or revising for your GCSE Physics - this saying is absolutely true, except for one thing...

You must practice CORRECTLY, otherwise you will simply learn it all wrong.

So as my old karate teacher used to say:

"PERFECT practice makes perfect!"

GCSEPhysicsNinja flashcards and video tutorials help you to practice perfectly by testing yourself repeatedly so you can learn the correct vocabulary, ideas and calcuations for your exam.

exam-past-paperAnother great way to practice is by trying past paper exam questions. If you check your answers with the exam mark scheme, you'll also gain valuable insights as to how the marks are awarded - now that's a BIG tip!

Unfortunately downloading past papers and mark schemes is a bit tedious, so we've put together an easy-to-use past exam questions library (with answers).

You can search the library for questions on a particular topic for your specific course. So if you want to practice heat transfer questions from unit P1, just dial them up and off you go!

When you have tried a question, pretend that you are the examiner and mark yourself using the mark scheme. The next day, try the question AGAIN and see if you can beat your score! Afterall... "perfect practice makes perfect"!

Check out the past paper exam questions by clicking here.

Hopy you found this resource useful - do feel free to leave a comment below and share your thoughts.

Wishing you success,


“Practice Makes Perfect”… or does it? was last modified: November 14th, 2016 by Olly Wedgwood

Test Your ISA Controlled Assessment Knowledge!

ISA CAU QuizAQA's Investigative Skills Assignments (ISAs) are the practical coursework part of the Science GCSE exams.

These controlled assessments are worth 25% of your GCSE grade, so learning the correct vocabulary and knowing how to answer the questions in the two controlled assessment papers is vital to boosting your overall GCSE grade.

Thankfully, these exam papers are fairly similar for all the sciences and from year to year. So here are some fun quizzes to help you prepare and revise for your ISA controlled assessment.

I hope you find them useful.

Have fun,


Test Your ISA Controlled Assessment Knowledge! was last modified: October 13th, 2015 by Olly Wedgwood

GCSE Physics Ninja – Secrets for Success – Part 1

Welcome to the first in our series 'Physics Revision Secrets for Success'. I hope you get a lot out of these practical hints and tips to boost your GCSE physics grade.

Read on for our first 'Secrets for Success' revision tip!...

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GCSE Physics Ninja – Secrets for Success – Part 1 was last modified: January 1st, 2018 by Olly Wedgwood

The Dreaded ‘Explain…’ Exam Questions

exam techniqueThey are every physics student's worst nightmare questions:




These questions are usually worth good marks (usually about 3 marks, or 6 marks for extended writing questions), and they certainly look scary because there are so many blank lines underneath, just waiting for your answer. But how do you tackle these questions?

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The Dreaded ‘Explain…’ Exam Questions was last modified: August 23rd, 2015 by Olly Wedgwood

AQA Additional Science P2 Ninja Course Launched!

P2-star-titleIn good time for the coming summer exams, I'm delighted to announce that the GCSE Physics Ninja revision course for AQA P2 (Additional Science) is finished, checked and now online for members!

  • 113 question and answer flashcards designed especially for the AQA exam syllabus.
  • Over 5 hours of 'bite sized' 3-minute tutorial videos
  • Revision planners for high intensity, moderate intensity or 'school support' revision.

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AQA Additional Science P2 Ninja Course Launched! was last modified: November 14th, 2016 by Olly Wedgwood

How much is a GCSE worth?

Road sign to education and futureHere's a question for both students and parents to ponder as we approach the GCSE and A-Level exams season...

If you were guaranteed an increase of one examination grade above your current grade, how much would you be willing to pay? £10? £50? £100? £1000? £2000?

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How much is a GCSE worth? was last modified: February 3rd, 2017 by Olly Wedgwood

Using Models to Explain Science

Physics modelBetween the ages of 7 to 15 children are developing from a 'concrete' world of understanding to a more abstract view of ideas and information.  This means that they become more able to understand and process ideas presented to them in language and symbols, rather than needing actual objects to explain an idea.

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Using Models to Explain Science was last modified: August 23rd, 2015 by Olly Wedgwood