Welcome to the GCSE Physics Ninja Atoms & Radiation course.
These video lessons are based on question-and-answer flashcards. You can either make your own or download the printable flashcards from the shop.
What will I learn in this course?
When you have completed this course, you will be able to…
- Explain the development of the nuclear model of an atom.
- Use atomic notation to describe the structure of different atoms.
- Understand that some atomic nuclei are unstable and can decay leading to radioactive emission.
- Recall the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiations.
- Describe the effect of radiation on matter and safety issues.
- Understand the concept of half life and carry out calculations.
- Describe some practical uses of nuclear radiation in industry and medicine.
- Explain the processes of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
- Recall the stages in the life cycle of stars.
- Understand that the elements we know today were formed in stars.