Atoms & Radiation

Welcome to the GCSE Physics Ninja Atoms & Radiation course.

These video lessons are based on question-and-answer flashcards. You can either make your own or download the printable flashcards from the shop.

Atomic StructureNuclear Radiation (cont.)
1. Rutherford's gold foil experiment16. Half life graph and basic calculation
2. Model of an atom17. Half life mass calculation
3. Atoms and charges18. Half life graph calculation
4. Protons and neutrons19. Radiation safety
5. Different atoms of the same element20. Smoke detectors
6. Types of atoms and general notation21. Paper mills
Nuclear Radiation22. Food and hospital equipment
7. Unstable nuclei and radiation23. Radioactive isotope uses in medicine and industry
8. Types of nuclear radiationNuclear Fission & Fusion
9. Nuclear radiation apparatus24. Nuclear fission
10. Nuclear radiation detection25. Nuclear fission reactors
11. Nuclear decay equations26. Nuclear fission chain reaction diagram
12. Effect of radiation on matter27. Joining nuclei
13. Properties of nuclear radiation28. Star formation
14. Radiation through electric and magnetic fields 129. Life cycle of a star
15. Radiation through electric and magnetic fields 230. Star life cycle diagram

What will I learn in this course?

When you have completed this course, you will be able to…

  • Explain the development of the nuclear model of an atom.
  • Use atomic notation to describe the structure of different atoms.
  • Understand that some atomic nuclei are unstable and can decay leading to radioactive emission.
  • Recall the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiations.
  • Describe the effect of radiation on matter and safety issues.
  • Understand the concept of half life and carry out calculations.
  • Describe some practical uses of nuclear radiation in industry and medicine.
  • Explain the processes of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
  • Recall the stages in the life cycle of stars.
  • Understand that the elements we know today were formed in stars.