Welcome to the GCSE Physics Ninja Electricity course.
These video lessons are based on question-and-answer flashcards. You can either make your own or save time by purchasing the printable flashcard set from the shop.
What will I learn in this course?
When you have completed this course, you will be able to...
- Describe and understand static electricity.
- Explain how to produce and detect electrical charges.
- Understand the nature of electric fields.
- Describe electric current as a flow of charge and perform calculations.
- Define potential difference in terms of energy and charge.
- Calculate the electrical work done by charge as it flows through a component.
- Recognise current vs. potential difference graphs for various components.
- Use the current, resistance & potential difference equation in calculations.
- Describe how the resistance of a filament bulb varies with current.
- Explain how resistance of a wire varies with length and diameter.
- Analyse series and parallel circuits.
- Find the total resistance of a series or parallel network of resistors.
- Describe and recognise common electrical components.
- Understand how potential dividers work.
- Appreciate the differences between analogue and digital signals.
- Analyse and design digital circuits using logic gates.
- Describe the characteristics of the mains electricity supply.
- Explain household electricity safety precautions.
- Calculate the electrical energy transferred using the power rating of an appliance.
- Understand that electrical energy can be measured in joules or kilowatt-hours.