
electricity course imageWelcome to the GCSE Physics Ninja Electricity course.

These video lessons are based on question-and-answer flashcards. You can either make your own or save time by purchasing the printable flashcard set from the shop.

Static ElectricityCircuits and Components (cont.)
1. Static electricity in insulators33. Lamps in a parallel circuit
2. Like and unlike charges34. Advantage of connecting lamps in parallel
3. Producing and detecting electrical charges35. Circuit analysis
4. Electrical fields36. Electrical components (part 1)
5. Electric field patterns37. Electrical components (part 2)
6. The electroscope and a charged rod38. Thermistors
Electrical Current39. LDR and resistance
7. Electrical current40. Diodes
8. Electric charge and current41. Variation of current in a resistor circuit
9. Flow of charge equation42. The LED
10. Charge flow calculation43. Lighting costs and efficiencies
Potential Difference & Electrical Work44. The variable potential divider
11. A cell's voltage45. Simple circuit application
12. Potential differenceDigital Electronics
13. Potential difference and work done46. Analogue vs. digital signals
14. Electrical work done equation47. Logic gates and truth tables 1
15. Electrical work done calculation48. Logic gates and truth tables 2
Resistance49. Logic gate system design
16. Current through a resistor50. Logic gate system truth table
17. Current vs. Potential difference graphsHousehold Electricity
18. Electrical resistance equation51. Current and direction
19. Resistance calculation52. Oscilloscope traces
20. Changing voltage or resistance in a circuit53. Oscilloscope calculations
21. Potential difference vs. current54. Mains electricity
22. Resistance of a filament bulb55. Hazards of electricity
23. Resistance of a lamp experiment56. Mains plug diagram
24. Resistance vs wire diameter and length57. Mains plug materials
25. Resistance vs wire diameter and length - calculation58. Electrical faults
Circuits and Components59. Circuit protected by a fuse
26. Series circuits60. Residual current circuit breakers
27. Combined resistances in series61. Metal cases and the earth wire
28. Series circuit diagram62. Hairdrier earth wire
29. Cells in series63. Higher currents - thicker cables
30. Parallel circuits64. Resistors and energy
31. Combined resistances in parallel65. Electrical power equation
32. Resistor network calculation66. Electrical power and fuse calculation
67. Electrical energy transferred by a lamp calculation

What will I learn in this course?

When you have completed this course, you will be able to...

  • Describe and understand static electricity.
  • Explain how to produce and detect electrical charges.
  • Understand the nature of electric fields.
  • Describe electric current as a flow of charge and perform calculations.
  • Define potential difference in terms of energy and charge.
  • Calculate the electrical work done by charge as it flows through a component.
  • Recognise current vs. potential difference graphs for various components.
  • Use the current, resistance & potential difference equation in calculations.
  • Describe how the resistance of a filament bulb varies with current.
  • Explain how resistance of a wire varies with length and diameter.
  • Analyse series and parallel circuits.
  • Find the total resistance of a series or parallel network of resistors.
  • Describe and recognise common electrical components.
  • Understand how potential dividers work.
  • Appreciate the differences between analogue and digital signals.
  • Analyse and design digital circuits using logic gates.
  • Describe the characteristics of the mains electricity supply.
  • Explain household electricity safety precautions.
  • Calculate the electrical energy transferred using the power rating of an appliance.
  • Understand that electrical energy can be measured in joules or kilowatt-hours.