Welcome to the GCSE Physics Ninja Length, Time & Motion course.
These video lessons are based on question-and-answer flashcards. You can either make your own or purchase the printable flashcards from the shop.
What will I learn in this course?”
When you have completed this course, you will be able to…
- Become familiar with the quantities and units used to measure length, time and motion.
- Measure short time intervals with reasonable accuracy.
- Use a micrometer screw gauge to measure very small lengths.
- Measure and calculate the density of a substance.
- Understand how to interpret distance-time graphs and velocity-time graphs.
- Calculate distance travelled, speed and acceleration of an object using a graph, or an equation.
- Explain how objects can move in circular motion.
- Perform calculations on simple pendulums.
- Understand what vectors are, and how to find a resultant vector graphically.