Mass & Forces

Welcome to the GCSE Physics Ninja Mass & Forces course.

These video lessons are based on question-and-answer flashcards. You can either make your own or purchase the printable flashcards from the shop.

All flashcards are relevant to GCSE, IGCSE (CIE and EdExcel), and IB unless indicated.

Mass & WeightCentre of Mass & Turning Forces
1. Mass vs. weight30. Centre of mass
2. Weight31. Finding the centre of mass
3. Weight equation32. Symmetric objects centre of mass
4. Weight calculation33. The turning effect of a force
Forces & Newton's Laws34. Moment equation
5. Three effects of forces35. Moment calculation
6. Forces are vectors36. Principle of moments
7. Newton's first law37. Principle of moments calculation 1
8. Resultant force on a scooter38. Principle of moments calculation 2
9. Resultant force calculation39. Levers
10. Newton's second law40. Two conditions needed for equilibrium
11. Newton's second law calculation41. Why objects can fall over
12. Newton's law of force pairs42. Stability of different objects
Friction & Falling Objects43. Self-righting toy
13. FrictionMomentum
14. Frictional forces in a fluid44. Momentum
15. Falling object in a fluid45. Momentum calculation
16. Skydiver force arrows46. Momentum in an explosion or collision
17. Skydiver motion47. Ice hockey collision
18. Parachute force & motion48. Crumple zones
19. A mouse and the Empire State building49. Impulse equations IGCSE only
Stopping Distance50. Force of a cricket ball IGCSE only
20. BrakingPressure
21. Stopping distance51. Pressure
22. Thinking distance52. Pressure in liquids
23. Braking distance53. Pressure equation
Springs54. Pressure calculation
24. Force - extension experiment55. Pressure vs depth in a liquid
25. Different force - extension graphs56. Pressure beneath a liquid
26. Spring equation57. Submarine pressure calculation
27. Spring constant calculation58. Gas pressure
28. Describing a force-extension graph59. The barometer & atmospheric pressure IB only
29. Elastic and plastic deformation60. Liquid in a U-tube IB only
61. Hydraulic machines

What will I learn in this course?

When you have completed this course, you will be able to…

  • Understand the difference between mass and weight.
  • Explain the effects of forces.
  • Calculate the resultant force on an object.
  • Use Newton’s laws to analyse the motion of an object subjected to forces.
  • Explain the effect of friction forces on falling bodies.
  • Understand the factors affecting stopping distance.
  • Interpret force – extension graphs for different materials
  • Calculate extension of a spring using Hooke’s Law.
  • Explain the difference between elastic and plastic deformation.
  • Understand the term centre of mass and use it to determine the stability of objects.
  • Explain and calculate the moment due to a force.
  • Become familiar with the idea of momentum and its conservation.
  • Be able to use impulse to calculate forces and time of impact.
  • Explain how a force can cause pressure and perform calculations.
  • Calculate pressure vs. depth in liquids.
  • Use the idea of particles to describe how a gas exerts a pressure on the walls of a container.
  • Understand how machines that use pressure can be force multipliers.