
waves course

Welcome to the GCSE Physics Ninja Waves course.

These video lessons are based on question-and-answer flashcards. You can either make your own or download the printable flashcards from the shop.

Wave BasicsReflection, Diffraction & Refraction
1. Units and quantities36. Wave behaviours
2. Power of ten notation37. Ray diagram
3. Types of waves38. Plane mirror ray diagram
4. Naming wave parts39. Properties of an image in a mirror
5. Amplitude and wavelength40. Diffraction
6. Light of a single frequency41. Receiving radio and TV waves
7. Wave speed equation42. Waves across a boundary
8. Wavelength calculation43. Water waves in shallow and deep water
Electromagnetic Waves44. Total internal reflection
9. The electromagnetic spectrum45. Refractive index and speed of light
10. Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum46. Refractive index and refraction equation
11. The safety of electromagnetic waves47. Critical angle and refractive index equation
12. Microwave and x-ray safety48. Optical fibres for communications
13. Waves and the body49. The endoscope
14. Electromagnetic wavelengths50. Using LASER light in medicine
15. Uses of electromagnetic waves51. White light moving through a prism
Waves & SpaceLenses
16. Moving wave sources52. The converging (convex) lens
17. Light from galaxies53. Images formed by rays of light
18. A theory of the universe54. Converging (convex) lens real image
19. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation55. Converging (convex) lens images
Mechanical Waves56. Diverging lens ray diagram
20. Types of mechanical waves57. Nature of images in lenses
21. Longitudinal waves58. Magnification
22. Sound waves59. The camera and magnifying glass
23. Pitch, loudness and echoes60. Lens symbols
24. Range of human hearing61. Focal length of a lens
25. The speed of sound62. Refractive index and lens shape
26. Speed of sound calculation63. Power of a lens
27. Speed of sound in a solid, liquid and a gas64. Power of a lens calculation
UltrasoundThe Eye
28. Medical uses of sound65. The human eye
29. Ultrasound and medical imaging66. Eye focusing and light control
30. Ultrasound muscle layer calculation67. Human range of vision
X-Rays68. Short sight
31. The nature of X-rays69. Long sight
32. X-rays and bone fractures70. Eye vs camera
33. Medical uses of x-rays
34. X-ray safety
35. X-rays, ultrasound and CT scans

What will I learn in this course?

When you have completed this course, you will be able to...

  • Describe waves using terms such as amplitude, wavelength and frequency
  • Recall the properties of electromagnetic waves and the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Understand the uses and safety of electromagnetic waves
  • Describe how red-shift changes the wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic waves
  • Understand how waves provide evidence for the beginning of the universe
  • Give examples of mechanical waves
  • Calculate the speed of sound in a material
  • Describe the medical uses of x-rays, ultrasound and laser light
  • Understand how waves can reflect, diffract and refract
  • Explain the refractive index of a material
  • Use ray diagrams to show how converging and diverging lenses work
  • Compare the human eye and a camera
  • Understand how short sight and long sight can be corrected using lenses